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Jules and Bulls Page 4
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Page 4
I crawled up to him, sitting next to his lap so I could look at his eyes closely. “I’m trying to stay detached, because a guy like you could really break my heart. I’m not asking for anything from you, except for what I need right now.”
He looked at me for several moments as if trying to make some decision and then gently moved me to the side. “You can get dressed and I’ll call you a cab.”
I watched in complete shock as he climbed off the bed, grabbed his jeans, and left the room. I looked at my torn underwear and threw them at the door as I pulled on my jeans. I walked out, to put my bra and shirt back on, just as Tennyson hung up the phone. He turned to face me, and I said, “Don’t you dare speak to me.” I got dressed and angrily tied my shoes without putting on my socks and walked out the door. Tennyson ran after me and I put my arm out to stop him. “Please, just let me leave without any more humiliation. Haven’t you had enough fun at my expense?”
“I told you I wanted more, I wasn’t playing you,” he said angrily.
“More what?” I asked him in anger. “I will never see you again, so how exactly do you want more?
He shook his head and took a couple of steps back, “Goodbye, Jules.”
I walked to the front of the arena and found a cab waiting. As soon as I entered the back seat the driver asked, “Aren’t you Jules Smith?”
“Yeah,” I tried to smile, “I sang at the Rodeo earlier.” I turned my head, so the driver couldn’t see me clearly and tried not to cry. I was mad, upset, and extremely frustrated. When we pulled in front of the hotel I tossed a fifty on the seat and ran from the cab to the elevator. I could see the flashing of the cameras and only hoped I had kept my head down enough to make my face undetectable.
I ran a hot bath and sat in the bubbles as I cried. I was mad at myself for being so stupid; I didn’t even know the guy and I was crying over him. I forced myself to admit it was only the sex I was missing, not him.
I got out of the tub and pulled the towel off my dry hair. I put on a robe and was lathering on the lotion when I heard a knock at my door. I was sure it was Martin making certain I was safely back but was surprised to see someone from the front desk through the peep hole.
“Yes,” I asked, keeping the door closed.
“I have a delivery for you, Ms. Smith,” he answered.
“Just leave it by the door,” I told him, and went back to finishing the lotion. When I was done, I walked to the door and opened it; holding my robe shut in front of me.
Tennyson was sitting on the floor next to the door and looked up at me. I looked around in confusion and he smiled. “I had myself delivered to you,” he said.
I tried not to smile and folded my arms in front of me. “What do you want, Tennyson?”
He stood and stepped closer to me and I automatically backed up, but he took another step. “I want to apologize,” he said softly.
“For what?” I asked, wanting to know exactly what he was sorry about.
“For letting you leave. I’m sorry I let you leave.”
“You owe me some underwear,” I said, and wanted to kick myself. I had no idea why I said those words but looking at him had me flustered and I couldn’t think straight.
“Okay,” he laughed, “I guess I got carried away.”
The elevator opened, and I instinctively moved back into the room. Tennyson followed and closed the door softly. I raised my eyebrows at him, letting him know I had not invited him in.
“Can we talk?” he asked with a sad face.
I nodded to the sitting area and we both sat on the couch. I waited for him to speak and he seemed to be struggling with what he wanted to say. “Can you...if I asked…I mean; Denver is my next stop.”
“You want to see me in Denver?” I asked slightly confused.
“No, I want to take you to Denver,” he clarified.
I laughed, but he didn’t, so I let my mouth fall open. “Tennyson, I can’t just go off with you.”
“You’re going to Denver and I have to be there for a rodeo, so I’m offering you a ride.”
“I don’t even have my concert clothes with me,” I explained.
“They can be sent,” he said, knowing how things worked.
I bit my lip and decided to talk honestly. “Tennyson, you scare me, and not that I think you would hurt me or that you are actually dangerous, but I’m a small-town girl and you’re this larger than life guy.”
He shook his head in disagreement. “Jules, I’m just like you. I’m doing what I love to do and just happened to become famous for it. I want a woman who wants to know me, not the poster version of who they think I am.”
I understood what he meant. He made me feel wanted without even knowing I was famous or what my music sounded like. “We have nothing in common,” I pointed out.
“I’ve done the common route; it’s not what it’s cracked up to be.”
“Martin won’t allow it,” I said, as my mind began considering his proposition.
“You’re his boss,” Tennyson pointed out, and I was a little pissed for not figuring that out earlier.
“Come here,” I whispered, and watched a smile grow on his face.
He scooted closer and lifted my legs over his lap and let his head rest against the couch. As he stared into my eyes, his hand began moving slowly up my leg and under the robe. I inhaled deeply, and my body began to shake from all the pent-up need.
I straddled his lap and began undoing his jeans. “You asked me how I wanted you, just like this,” I told him.
He kept his head back and moved my robe back to expose my hips, so he could hold them tightly. I set the pace and moved with a purpose, meeting all my needs in one explosive release. I let my head fall onto his shoulder and he rolled me onto my back as he went to work again.
I had never known a man this knowledgeable about how to please a woman. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut as I praised him, thanked him, and cried out for him. He was covered in sweat and when he finally got there his strength was amazing. He lifted my hips off the cushions and held them with one arm as he arched into me in spasms.
He was beautiful and manly at the same time and I felt like I wanted to cry. He dropped my body and kept his arms locked to stay above me. I ran my hands up his arms and begged him, “Come here, come to me.”
He lowered himself slowly and kissed me softly as he whispered, “Thank you, Jules.”
“You are so amazing,” I said, with what little strength I had left.
“That was all you, Sweetheart,” he said, as he buried his head in my neck.
I held him to me and smiled when I heard him beginning to breathe deeply and steadily. I didn’t want him to get too asleep, since he was still wearing his clothes and had his jeans around his knees.
“Tennyson,” I said softly, and ran my hand through his hair.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” he moaned.
“I really want you to stay,” I said, and he lifted his head to look at me sleepily.
“Please, tell me I’m not dreaming.”
“If you are, I’m going to cry,” I told him honestly.
He stood and pulled up his pants before following me into the bedroom. I took off his shirt and pants after he removed his own boots and turned down the bed. He walked over and took off my robe and then nodded to the bed, “Ladies first.”
I decided at that moment I loved the cowboy culture. He was the first man I had met who put my needs ahead of his own and I felt my heart make room for Tennyson Weller to enter. I snuggled up to his side and he pulled me into his arms and sighed.
“Jules,” he called out softly.
“This has been my best night, ever.”
I smiled and kissed his chest. I had been so angry at Martin for making me come here and now Canada would be my favorite country.
Chapter 4
My phone woke me up the next morning and it took me a minute to remember where I was and who I was with. Tennyson reached over to pick
it up and hand it to me. I tried to sound fully awake in case it was one of my folks. I never had a guy spend the whole night and regretted allowing it right now.
“Yeah,” I answered loudly. Martin was on the other end informing me of an interview I needed to give. “What time?” I asked. He gave me all the instructions and I was relieved to hear I wouldn’t have to leave the hotel. “Okay, bye.” I dropped the phone onto the sheets.
“Do you need me to go?” Tennyson asked, and I tightened my hold on him.
“No, I have an interview this afternoon. Hail Canada,” I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.
“Are you coming to see me ride tonight?” he asked, and I wondered why he bothered. This guy owned me after how he performed, and I didn’t mean his rodeo skills.
“Of course, do I need to buy a ticket or anything?”
“No, you’re my guest and you can sit in our family booth, which is what I want to talk to you about.” He seemed nervous, so I sat up to look down at him.
“Um… bull riding is dangerous, and it takes a lot of mental preparation. I kind of tune everything out and I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring you or something.”
I laughed and gave him a soft punch in the ribs, “You sound as if you have made this speech before.”
“No, actually women I’ve…dated, understand the rodeo. To be honest it has never mattered to me before. You matter, Jules,” he said, as he ran his finger down my face.
“I couldn’t take it if I had to watch you get hurt,” I said softly. “So, don’t get upset if you see me with my eyes covered.”
He chuckled and put his hands behind his head and said, “You are going to want me so badly after you see me ride.”
“And I thought I had a big ego,” I laughed.
“You’ll see,” he said confidently.
I climbed over him and looked down at his eyes and asked, “What if I want you so badly right now?”
“I’d give you my best effort,” he smiled, and I leaned down to kiss him.
His gentle hands came to my backside and he squeezed lightly and moaned. He drove me insane with his slow movements and I tried my best to speed him up, but he knew what he was doing, and I screamed his name as everything disappeared but him. He pressed down on my thigh with one hand, the other one rose into the air as his entire body clinched. He looked like a bronc rider and I laughed at his movement as I struggled to breathe. “Am I supposed to give you a score?”
“Sorry, it’s instinctual,” he said, slightly embarrassed.
“Don’t apologize. God, please don’t be sorry,” I laughed. He was so amazing in bed and I wondered if all cowboys were given some secret training that made them so attentive and tender. “Is it okay to have sex the day you ride?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“It is strongly encouraged,” he laughed uncomfortably.
“Oh really, so I’m just part of the pre-ride prep?”
“Don’t say that, it sounds ugly.” He rolled over and held my face in his hands. “If I get a high score, you get all the credit, Sweetheart.”
“You’re such a manly man,” I said, knowing how stupid I sounded, but not caring.
“And you’re all woman,” he said, and then kissed me deeply.
It felt so good to be considered a woman. My parents always made me feel like I was flighty and irresponsible. I had accomplished a lot in my short time in the music business but that never made me feel grown up. Tennyson managed to turn me into a woman in one night.
His cell phone rang, and I whined against his lips. He grabbed his jeans off the floor and pulled out his phone. “Hi, dad,” he said, as he came back to bed. I stared at him in shock when he said, “I’m in bed with Jules, at her hotel.” I knew we were both adults, but I had never been in bed with a man when his father called before. His face pulled into a concerned frown and he sat up again. “What does Morgan say?” He listened for a bit and said, “Yeah, I’ll be there within the hour.” He hung up and turned to look at me with regret.
“You can’t just tell your father you’re in bed with me,” I said in shock.
“I mean, it’s your dad.”
“He knows I have sex,” he laughed loudly. “And I can guarantee your parents know you have sex, too.”
“No, they don’t. They don’t even admit to having sex.”
He looked at me with a stunned face and then laughed again. “They honestly believe you’re a twenty-three-year-old virgin pop star?”
“Absolutely. My father is very conservative and has his conceal and carry license.”
He smiled and moved closer to me and ran his finger from my collarbone to my bellybutton. “So… he would be shocked to know his daughter told me to ‘do her already’.”
I gasped in shock. “You can never meet my parents,” I said truthfully. I could imagine Tennyson fondling me in front of my father and having his brains splattered across the wall.
“I’ll be respectable when I meet your folks,” he promised, and I looked away as I smiled. I was happy he was thinking about a relationship and not just a way to relax before an event. I was falling for him fast and it was a relief to know he was thinking long-term.
“What was the call about?” I asked.
“Um, yeah, my draw got pulled. That means...”
“I know what it means,” I gloated, and he looked at me with suspicion. “The bull the computer matched you with can’t perform.” He laughed and shook his head, so I fessed up, “The girl I sat by yesterday explained it all.”
“Do you mind if I arrange for Bethany to pick you up after your interview?”
“Because I want to be hospitable, you’re staying to see me ride and my family should be gracious.”
“What era are you from?” I asked, noticing how old-fashioned he was at one moment and then so liberal in another.
“I want you to feel comfortable, Jules, you matter.”
“Okay, let me give you my cell number.” He handed me his phone and I put my name and number in it, adding an A in front of Jules, so it showed up first in his directory.
He took his phone back and called the front desk asking for a car to pick him up from the kitchen entrance. He finished dressing as I sat in the bed and watched his every movement. He gave me a loving kiss and I said, “Good luck, tonight.”
“You don’t need luck when you’ve got skill,” he smiled.
“You definitely have skill,” I said, and pulled him back for another kiss.
“Have a great day,” he said, as he left the room.
“Remember to spur evenly,” I yelled.
“You don’t spur a bull,” he yelled back, and I fell onto my pillow laughing.
I was so crazy about the guy, even if I didn’t understand his world. I grabbed my phone and called Martin’s room. I expected him to put up a big fight that I would be going right to Denver from here, but he didn’t care in the least. Of course, I left out the fact I was riding with Tennyson. I felt independent and like I was finally an adult.
I got dressed, making sure I didn’t look anything like I would be attending a Rodeo, and headed to the conference room for my interview. The reporter was from a major magazine and I greeted him with a huge smile.
“Are you enjoying Canada?” he asked me.
“I love it here. There is so much going on and such a diverse population.”
“I understand you attended the Rodeo yesterday.”
“Yes, I was honored to sing the National Anthem and got to watch the action. It was very intense,” I said with a smile.
“Are you attending today?”
I wanted to scream at him to just say what he wanted to say, but this was a game I knew how to play. “I met Amylia Weller; I may watch her ride today.”
“Did you meet Tennyson Weller?”
“Um…maybe, which brother is he?”
“Is it true you will be singing on Broadway in the fall?”
s, I’ll be playing Roxie Hart in the musical Chicago.”
“Are you enjoying the tour?”
“It has been great. Performing live for the fans is invigorating. It is the part of the job I enjoy the most.”
“Are you seeing anyone, or does your schedule prevent it?”
“I’m just enjoying the tour. I’m not looking for a relationship.” I tried to look him in the eyes and not react to the lie I just told.
The interview went on way too long and was so boring I had to wonder what lies he would put into the article to spice it up. We said our goodbyes and I returned to my room. I wasn’t there long when a knock sounded, and I opened the door to see Bethany waiting for me.
“Miriam and I are going shopping; would you like to join us?”
“Sure,” I said uncomfortably. Bethany was so serious and standing in her presence was daunting. She stepped back, and I grabbed my wallet before joining her.
“We need to make you country,” she said, looking at my clothes.
“I wouldn’t have a clue where to start,” I admitted.
“Tennyson said you don’t want to be recognized. What better way than by blending in with the crowd.”
“I’m afraid I would just feel silly,” I said, and noticed how she tensed a bit. “Not that there is anything wrong with your clothes. I’m just not used to looking that way.”
“What way, silly?” she asked, showing she was not going to let it go.
“I’m sorry, I have a horrible habit of sticking my foot in my mouth,” I admitted, as I let my head fall. I was sure spending one day with the family would send Tennyson running far from me.
“Why don’t we find you an outfit and we’ll just call it country light,” she said hatefully.
I knew at that moment Tennyson had been talking about me and I got really pissed. When we reached the lobby door Bethany put her arm around me to keep me hidden and led me quickly to a waiting limo. Miriam and another woman were waiting in the back.
“Hello, dear,” Miriam said with a smile. “This is Tennyson’s Aunt Katherine.” It surprised me yet again how supportive they were as a family.