Jules and Bulls Read online

Page 5

  “Hi,” I said shyly, and began adjusting my skirt.

  “We need to get her wrangler’s and ropers,” Bethany announced, and both women smiled. I didn’t have a clue what she meant, but I smiled, too.

  “Did Tennyson get another draw?” I asked, trying to fit in.

  I noticed how Bethany and Miriam looked at each other before answering. “Yes, it will be a more difficult ride, but a chance at a higher score,” Miriam said kindly.

  “Do you get nervous watching your kids do what they do?” I asked her.

  “I’ve watched them for so many years and I know how talented they are. Tennyson takes too many risks, but Royal is there to watch out for him.”

  I never considered Tennyson had to take risks to be on top, but I was sure it was like a lot of things in life, you had to have the nerve to reach beyond your abilities sometimes to make it to the top.

  “He has real competition this year from a cowboy named Russell Tarwater. He’s a young kid off the reservation in Arizona and he’s gunning for Tennyson. He will have to stay focused this year, if he wants to keep his title,” Bethany explained, and looked at me as if she was giving me a warning.

  “He’s giving me a ride to Denver because I have a concert next weekend. I’m not going to be traveling with him,” I explained, so the hateful stares would end, but Bethany just huffed and rolled her eyes at me.

  The car stopped at a store I didn’t recognize and when we walked through the door it smelled strongly of leather. The women walked around the racks of clothes, picking things out as I searched for anything I would feel normal wearing.

  “Try these on,” Bethany demanded, and I headed for the dressing room. I pulled the jeans on and began laughing. They went just below my bellybutton and I was used to jeans riding very low on my hips. I stepped out and showed her the ridiculous fit.

  “I know” she said, “They make them so low nowadays.”

  “Low? I was going to say they are too high-waisted.”

  Bethany looked at them again and said, “They are not high-waisted.”

  I didn’t have the nerve to tell her I would feel silly wearing them. I kept my mouth shut this time and headed back into the dressing room. I snapped up the shirt and felt totally silly in the plaid button down. I pulled on the boots and stood back to look at myself. Surely, the woman would see what they were doing and let me wear my own clothes.

  I came out of the room and all three women smiled from ear-to-ear. “Oh God, you can’t expect me to wear this,” I begged them. Everyone ignored my moment of insecurity.

  “You need a belt,” Miriam said, as she began looking at straps of leather. “Can you do silver tacks right now, or does it need to be sent out?” Miriam asked the sales girl.

  “We can do them now,” the girl answered.

  “Wonderful, put the name Jules on this one.”

  “On what?” I asked, making sure I wasn’t getting a silver mouth grill or something like that.

  “A western belt,” Miriam said with a chuckle and handed it to me. I hated to think she was laughing at me. She seemed so sweet and if she was laughing I was sure the entire arena would be laughing.

  “Jules, what kind of hat do you want. It is something very personal so make sure it feels…right,” Aunt Katherine said.

  I walked over to her and looked at the foreign objects. “Is there any certain thing I should look for?” I asked.

  “Just start trying them on and find what you like,” she smiled.

  I stared without a clue what to do when Bethany came to help me. “If you pick a black one, we have to change the boots. Brown will look fine now, but as the weather cools down you will want a black one.”

  “I only plan on wearing it once, so I don’t think it really matters.”

  She began placing hats on my head and stood back to look at them. She finally decided on two and let me look in the mirror to choose one. I handed it to her and she took it to the counter and began giving instructions to have it steamed and molded into a certain shape.

  I went back to the dressing room and changed, wanting out of the clothes as soon as possible. I handed Bethany the belt and asked her if I needed to pick out a buckle.

  “Heaven’s no,” she laughed. “Tennyson will pick out one of his to give you. It is a big deal which one he picks.”

  “It won’t be that huge gold one, will it?”

  Whatever I said made her double over with laughter. She called out to Miriam and Katherine, telling them what I had asked, and they joined in with the amusement.

  “He isn’t allowed to let anyone wear his All-Around buckle. They would make him return it if he did,” Bethany said.

  “It is so big because being All-Around is a very big deal. Consider it an Emmy or a Grammy,” Miriam explained for me.

  “Cherry has the one Tennyson gave her, doesn’t she?” Katherine asked.

  “Who is Cherry,” I asked, hoping it was the name of one of his horses.

  “My daughter,” Aunt Katherine replied. “And Tennyson’s cousin.”

  “Yeah, right,” Bethany snickered under her breath. I suddenly was very interested in Cherry.

  “Why did he give her a buckle?” I asked Bethany, and she waved her hand to dismiss me. Obviously, she didn’t take the Cherry business seriously, so I tried to put it out of my mind.

  Instead of taking me back to the hotel they took me to Bethany and Royal’s trailer. I was told Tennyson would not be coming by and was working on a problem with some gear. I wanted to catch a glimpse of him so badly, but instead I got to meet Cherry.

  She knocked on the trailer door and then walked right in. She looked a lot like Bethany, not any of the Weller’s. Her hair was long and dark, and she had very dark eyes.

  Bethany smiled and said, “Cherry, meet Jules, she’s Tennyson’s guest tonight.”

  Cherry smiled and extended her hand as she looked at my clothes. “Are you a local?” she asked.

  “No.” I laughed at something only I would find funny. “I sang at the opening ceremony.”

  “Ah, yes, that is where I recognize you. Are you enjoying the rodeo?”

  “Sure, it’s very different from what I am used to,” I admitted.

  “Don’t let it fool you, it’s just a bunch of losers on horses,” she laughed, and Miriam smacked the back of her head.

  I liked her and hoped she would be sitting with the family, so I could have someone to talk with. When everyone began to get ready Bethany showed me a small room where I could have some privacy. I dressed in the new clothes and used some of the makeup to freshen up before heading into the common area, so everyone could comment on my western look. I just blushed and looked at my boots.

  “Come on,” Bethany said, and pulled me by the hand, “We’ll see what buckle Tennyson left you.”

  I walked with her and Miriam to his trailer and when we entered he was on the floor with a bunch of metal disks laid out in front of him. He jumped up and looked me up and down before lifting me by the waist and into his arms.

  “This has been the longest day of my life,” he said into my hair.

  “Can we just leave and go back to the hotel,” I begged him. “I heard you have a harder ride.”

  “Nothing I can’t handle. You look amazing,” he said to bolster me.

  “Nobody will recognize me for sure.”

  “Give us the belt and let us go,” Bethany demanded. “You don’t even have your rowels ready.”

  He took my hand and led me to his room, shutting the door behind us before kissing me deeply. When he pulled away I stood there with my eyes still closed, praying he wasn’t some dream or he wasn’t only making good on a bet. “Anything wrong?” he asked softly.

  “No, everything is right,” I smiled, and he kissed me again.

  “Come on,” Bethany yelled from the other room.

  Tennyson picked up my belt from the bed and handed it to me. I looked at the buckle, it was square, not round, and made of silver. I didn’t
get a chance to read the writing, since he pulled it from my hand and began putting it through the loops of my much too high jeans.

  “Perfect,” he said when he stood back to look at it.

  I looked at him and his smile was making my heart melt. Our eyes locked and I had to gasp to get air. “I really need you to kiss me again,” I whispered.

  He walked over and slowly leaned in for a deep, sensuous kiss. I wanted to beg him to remove my clothes and stay with me in the trailer. A loud knock sounded on his bedroom door and Royal yelled from the other side, “Dammit, Tennyson. Cut the shit and focus. You don’t even have your gear ready.”

  “I better go,” I said, terrified Royal would knock the door down and throw me out. Tennyson only tightened his hold on me and kissed me again and again, until my breathing was becoming labored. “I really need to go, Royal will be mad,” I managed to say.

  He took my hand and led me to the other room. I noticed everyone’s expressions. The entire group looked stunned at the sight of the square silver at my waist. “You can’t give her that,” Bethany said angrily.

  “I can give her whatever I want… its mine to give.”

  “What?” I asked stupidly.

  “That is his rookie-of-the-year buckle. He isn’t supposed to let anyone else wear it,” Miriam explained.

  “It is not like they have the buckle police who will come after me,” Tennyson laughed. “I want her to wear it.”

  Royal stared at his brother like he had totally lost his mind. I felt like I was somehow coming between the family and his job. I was an outsider causing problems and I wanted to beg him to make it stop. “Tennyson, come on, find me something else,” I begged.

  He gave me a hurt expression and then said softly, “Jules, you matter.”

  “Everybody out,” Royal yelled. “You won’t be riding shit if you don’t get your head on straight.”

  Everyone began to file out and I gave Tennyson a hug and whispered, “Be careful riding shit.”

  He didn’t release me and instead pushed me against the wall and kissed me again.

  “Dammit, Tennyson,” Royal yelled loudly, so I pushed him away from me and ran out the door.

  Bethany gave me a disapproving glare and I could tell Miriam was worried about something. I finally put the hat on and looked back to see Tennyson standing in the doorway. A pair of large hands came over his shoulders and pulled him into the trailer, making me laugh.

  Chapter 5

  We headed to the family seats, right next to the alley where the riders entered, and the bulls would exit. We had a perfect view of the chutes and I felt my heart speed up in anticipation. When the Rodeo began, there was another parade of queens, and some children trying to ride sheep. It looked dangerous and I didn’t understand why mothers would let their kids get tossed off an animal.

  Merritt showed up and called for the family. Bethany turned to me and said, “You can come if you want, but it is just a family tradition thing.”

  I followed, staying purposely behind them, and smiled when I saw Tennyson carrying Amylia on his back. He was dressed in chaps and spurs, wearing a padded Kevlar vest and holding a helmet. Royal walked in wearing clown make-up and a funny outfit. I didn’t laugh, he looked scary, and nothing like a circus clown.

  Amylia jumped down from Tennyson’s back and ran up to her parents. They all formed a circle and joined hands before bowing their heads. Merritt spoke, but his back was to me and I couldn’t hear him.

  When they finished Merritt and Miriam gave Amylia a kiss and then moved on to Tennyson. Next, Royal took hold of Tennyson’s face and leaned his forehead against his brothers as he spoke harshly. Tennyson nodded a couple of times before Royal kissed him on the forehead and then smacked him across the head. They bumped fists and repeated, “Nuts and Guts.”

  Tennyson saw me at that point and smiled as he waved me over. “You look so hot,” I admitted, as he pulled me close and I looked down at the chaps.

  “Are you having fun?” he asked.

  “I’m nervous, about your draw,” I said, loving the fact I understood at least one thing.

  “Don’t be,” he said with confidence and kissed me. “I like the hat.”

  “I’ll wear it for you sometime,” I giggled, and his eyes widened with understanding.

  “We have over an hour before my event starts,” he said into my ear, and I tightened my arms around him

  “Jules,” Morgan called for me, and I looked at him with apprehension. He waved me over and I looked at Tennyson for an explanation, but he only shrugged and gave me a quick kiss before walking away. I joined Morgan and we walked toward the stairs leading back to the family box. “I’m a bit worried about your reaction tonight. Have you watched this event before?”

  “No, I heard it is intense,” I admitted.

  “Yeah, and especially with the seat you have,” he said, and put his hands on his hips. “Look, there is a really good chance Tennyson could get hurt tonight; I just want you to be prepared.”

  My heart was beating loudly, and my mouth went bone dry. “Why?” I asked softly.

  “His head isn’t in the game. He’s…sloppy.”

  “Is it my fault?”

  “No,” he said emphatically. “It is Tennyson’s. I’ve never seen him so…gone…over someone before. He’s never had to work on his focus and I’m afraid he thinks he can just perform on instinct.”

  “Can he?” I asked, hoping Tennyson knew himself better than Morgan.

  “We’ll see. He’s just in a tough spot. He has sponsors who depend on him to always be prepared.”

  I knew what he was saying. The money was always the most important thing and every spoken word or action had to be in the best interest of the corporate logo or sponsorship. Morgan was trying to tell me Tennyson wasn’t focused on the money and that was more dangerous than the bulls.

  “Should I leave?”

  “It isn’t that you are here, it is the fact you got in his head.”

  I felt tears building and asked the one thing I was afraid to know, “Could he die?”

  “Royal will take care of him,” he smiled gently.

  I nodded, but I had no idea how Royal would be able to save Tennyson from a bull ride. I walked slowly up the stairs and sat down next to Cherry. She looked at my pale face and nudged me with her shoulder. “Relax, he’ll be fine.”

  I smiled slightly and said, “You’re the only one who thinks so.”

  “Tennyson lives and breathes this, it’s in his blood and he knows what he is doing.”

  Her words gave me hope and lifted my spirits. I felt the adrenalin flood through me as the announcer began introducing the barrel racers. Amylia looked so fierce on her horse and didn’t smile once as the crowd cheered for her.

  I enjoyed watching the event, and when Amylia broke the plane to start the clock the entire family screamed loudly. She moved with flawless precision and her horse appeared to be almost lying sideways as it made its way around the barrels. As she headed toward the alley, galloping at full speed, I noticed how she hit the horse repeatedly with the reins and I frowned in disapproval.

  The announcer said, “And that is why Amylia Weller is the national champion, ladies and gentlemen.”

  “She won?” I asked Cherry.

  “Yes,” she said, as if it angered her. I wondered if maybe Cousin Cherry was a bit jealous of the Wellers.

  The barrels were removed, and the bullfighters emerged. The crowed screamed wildly and I whistled loudly when Royal did a back flip. I watched the guys play around and interact with the crowd. I had to admit I was having a great time, until I looked at the chutes. I saw a bunch of cowboys standing on railings and a huge bull with horns came down the ramp and into the hold. Royal suddenly looked so small and I had no idea how Bethany could let him do this for a living.

  I couldn’t tell what the bull rider was doing; he had so many men around him assisting with something. The gate finally opened, and I noticed how Royal placed hims
elf between the bull and the fence. The cowboy fell before the buzzer and I looked at Bethany’s calm face. Royal got the bulls attention and ran toward the alley with the bull close behind.

  I looked down at my hands to see my knuckles were white from tension. After two more cowboys fell, one finally stayed on the full 8 seconds. “Did he win?” I asked Cherry.

  “No, this is just the first go-round and there are seven more cowboys to ride.”

  “So, if another one stays on, it’s a tie?”

  “No, see that number over there,” she pointed at a large score board. “They can earn up to a hundred points. That guy got a seventy-eight, which is okay, but nothing great.”

  A couple of guys scored in the eighty’s and I tensed when Tennyson climbed onto the chute. I noticed Morgan was bent over doing something, but again I couldn’t tell what it was. Tennyson was straddled over the bull, but not sitting on it, when it suddenly reared up inside the tight hold. I screamed loudly and the whole family laughed.

  I noticed Morgan looked over at me and I hoped Tennyson couldn’t hear me under his helmet and face protection. I turned my attention to Royal. He had moved away from the chute and further into the arena, but his eyes were trained on Tennyson the entire time.

  The gate opened, and I took a deep breath and held it. The bull jumped and kicked, spinning in different directions. At one point, the bull had all four feet off the ground and kicked, sending Tennyson leaning to the side and fighting to stay on. The buzzer sounded, and he instantly fell to the ground.

  “Come on, Tennyson,” Merritt yelled, obviously disappointed. “Watch the sun-fishing.”

  Tennyson removed his helmet and threw it angrily at the fence. I looked at the scoreboard and saw an 80.

  “That was generous,” Miriam said, and Merritt nodded in agreement.

  I had so many questions, but I was afraid to say anything, since it was my fault he was doing so badly. When I looked at Royal, I saw him standing with his hands on his hips shaking his head back and forth at his parents. I began to get angry. Tennyson deserved to have someone in his life. They all had somebody, and it wasn’t fair to expect him to carry the weight of the family fame. I sat up a bit taller and set my jaw and glared back at Royal.